sherpa_ai.agents package

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sherpa_ai.agents package#


sherpa_ai.agents.agent_pool module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.agent_pool.AgentPool[source]#

Bases: object

add_agent(agent: BaseAgent)[source]#

Add agent to agent pool

add_agents(agents: List[BaseAgent])[source]#

Add agents to agent pool

get_agent(agent_name: str) BaseAgent | None[source]#

Get agent by name

get_agent_pool_description() str[source]#

Create a description (prompt) of the AgentPool for agent planning

sherpa_ai.agents.base module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.base.BaseAgent(*, name: str, description: str, shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 1, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]#

Bases: ABC, BaseModel

act(action: BaseAction, inputs: dict) str | None | Exception[source]#
actions: List[BaseAction]#
agent_finished(result: str) str[source]#
async async_act(action: BaseAction, inputs: dict) str | None[source]#
async async_run()[source]#
async async_send_event(event: str, args: dict)[source]#

Send an event to the state machine in the belief

  • event (str) – The event name

  • args (dict) – The arguments for the event

belief: Belief#
abstract create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
do_synthesize_output: bool#
feedback_agent_name: str#
global_regen_max: int#
llm: Any#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
policy: BasePolicy#
select_action() PolicyOutput | None[source]#
send_event(event: str, args: dict)[source]#

Send an event to the state machine in the belief

  • event (str) – The event name

  • args (dict) – The arguments for the event

shared_memory: SharedMemory#
abstract synthesize_output() str[source]#

Validate the synthesized output through a series of validation steps.

This method iterates through each validation in the ‘validations’ list, and for each validation, it performs ‘validation_steps’ attempts to synthesize output using ‘synthesize_output’ method. If the output doesn’t pass validation, feedback is incorporated into the belief system.

If a validation fails after all attempts, the error messages from the last failed validation are appended to the final result.


The synthesized output after validation.

Return type:


validation_iterator(validations, global_regen_count, all_pass, validation_is_scaped, result)[source]#
validation_steps: int#
validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor]#

sherpa_ai.agents.critic module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.critic.Critic(*, name: str = 'Critic', description: str = '\nYou are a Critic agent that receive a plan from the planner to execuate a task from user.\nYour goal is to output the {} most necessary feedback given the corrent plan to solve the task.\n', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 1, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, ratio: float = 0.9, num_feedback: int = 3, **extra_data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The critic agent receives a plan from the planner and evaluate the plan based on some pre-defined metrics. At the same time, it gives the feedback to the planner.

description: str#
get_detail_evaluation(task: str, plan: str)[source]#
get_feedback(task: str, plan: str) List[str][source]#
get_importance_evaluation(task: str, plan: str)[source]#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_feedback: int#
post_process(feedback: str)[source]#
ratio: float#
synthesize_output() str[source]#

sherpa_ai.agents.ml_engineer module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.ml_engineer.MLEngineer(*args, name: str = 'ML Engineer', description: str = 'You are a skilled machine learning engineer with a deep-rooted expertise in understanding and analyzing various Machine Learnng algorithm and use it to solve practical problems. Your primary role is to assist individuals, organizations, and researchers in using machine learning models to solve Machine-Learning-Related chalenges, using your knowledge to guide decisions and ensure the accuracy and reliability of outcomes.If you encounter a question or challenge outside your current knowledge base, you acknowledge your limitations and seek assistance or additional resources to fill the gaps. ', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 3, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The machine learning agent answers questions or research about ML-related topics

create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
synthesize_output() str[source]#

sherpa_ai.agents.physicist module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.physicist.Physicist(*args, name: str = 'Physicist', description: str = 'You are a physicist with a deep-rooted expertise in understanding and analyzing the fundamental principles of the universe, spanning from the tiniest subatomic particles to vast cosmic phenomena. Your primary role is to assist individuals, organizations, and researchers in navigating and resolving complex physics-related challenges, using your knowledge to guide decisions and ensure the accuracy and reliability of outcomes.', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 3, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The physicist agent answers questions or research about physics-related topics

create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
synthesize_output() str[source]#

sherpa_ai.agents.planner module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.planner.Planner(*args, name: str = 'Planner', description: str = 'You are a **task decomposition assistant** who simplifies complex tasks into sequential steps, assigning roles or agents to each.\nBy analyzing user-defined tasks and agent capabilities, you provide structured plans, enhancing project clarity and efficiency.\nYour adaptability ensures customized solutions for diverse needs.\n', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 5, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, planning: TaskPlanning = None, agent_pool: AgentPool, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

agent_pool: AgentPool#
description: str#
get_last_feedback() str | None[source]#

Get the last feedback from the shared memory

get_last_plan() str | None[source]#

Get the last plan from the shared memory

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
plan(task: str)[source]#

Plan the next action for the agent pool

planning: TaskPlanning#
synthesize_output() str[source]#

sherpa_ai.agents.qa_agent module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.qa_agent.QAAgent(*args, name: str = 'QA Agent', description: str = 'You are a **question answering assistant** who solves user questions and offers a detailed solution.', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 3, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 5, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, config: AgentConfig = None, citation_enabled: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The task agent is the agent handles a single task.


The language model used to generate text




The name of the agent. Defaults to “QA Agent”.


str, optional


The description of the agent. Defaults to TASK_AGENT_DESCRIPTION.


str, optional


The shared memory used to store information and shared with other agents. Defaults to None.


SharedMemory, optional


The belief of the agent. Defaults to None.


Optional[Belief], optional


The agent configuration. Defaults to AgentConfig.


AgentConfig, optional


The number of runs the agent will perform. Defaults to 3.


int, optional


The verbose logger used to log information. Defaults to DummyVerboseLogger().


BaseVerboseLogger, optional


The list of actions the agent can perform. Defaults to [].


List[BaseAction], optional


The number of validation steps the agent will perform. Defaults to 1.


int, optional


The list of validations the agent will perform. Defaults to [].


List[BaseOutputProcessor], optional

citation_enabled: bool#
config: AgentConfig#
create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
global_regen_max: int#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
synthesize_output() str[source]#

sherpa_ai.agents.user module#

class sherpa_ai.agents.user.UserAgent(*, name: str = 'User', description: str = 'A user agent that redirects the task to an expert', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 1, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

A wrapper class for redirecting the task to a real person

create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
run() str[source]#

Redirect the task to a real person

synthesize_output() str[source]#

Module contents#

class sherpa_ai.agents.AgentPool[source]#

Bases: object

add_agent(agent: BaseAgent)[source]#

Add agent to agent pool

add_agents(agents: List[BaseAgent])[source]#

Add agents to agent pool

get_agent(agent_name: str) BaseAgent | None[source]#

Get agent by name

get_agent_pool_description() str[source]#

Create a description (prompt) of the AgentPool for agent planning

class sherpa_ai.agents.Critic(*, name: str = 'Critic', description: str = '\nYou are a Critic agent that receive a plan from the planner to execuate a task from user.\nYour goal is to output the {} most necessary feedback given the corrent plan to solve the task.\n', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 1, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, ratio: float = 0.9, num_feedback: int = 3, **extra_data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The critic agent receives a plan from the planner and evaluate the plan based on some pre-defined metrics. At the same time, it gives the feedback to the planner.

actions: List[BaseAction]#
belief: Belief#
description: str#
do_synthesize_output: bool#
feedback_agent_name: str#
get_detail_evaluation(task: str, plan: str)[source]#
get_feedback(task: str, plan: str) List[str][source]#
get_importance_evaluation(task: str, plan: str)[source]#
global_regen_max: int#
llm: Any#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_feedback: int#
num_runs: int#
policy: BasePolicy#
post_process(feedback: str)[source]#
ratio: float#
shared_memory: SharedMemory#
synthesize_output() str[source]#
validation_steps: int#
validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor]#
class sherpa_ai.agents.MLEngineer(*args, name: str = 'ML Engineer', description: str = 'You are a skilled machine learning engineer with a deep-rooted expertise in understanding and analyzing various Machine Learnng algorithm and use it to solve practical problems. Your primary role is to assist individuals, organizations, and researchers in using machine learning models to solve Machine-Learning-Related chalenges, using your knowledge to guide decisions and ensure the accuracy and reliability of outcomes.If you encounter a question or challenge outside your current knowledge base, you acknowledge your limitations and seek assistance or additional resources to fill the gaps. ', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 3, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The machine learning agent answers questions or research about ML-related topics

actions: List[BaseAction]#
belief: Belief#
create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
do_synthesize_output: bool#
feedback_agent_name: str#
global_regen_max: int#
llm: Any#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
policy: BasePolicy#
shared_memory: SharedMemory#
synthesize_output() str[source]#
validation_steps: int#
validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor]#
class sherpa_ai.agents.Physicist(*args, name: str = 'Physicist', description: str = 'You are a physicist with a deep-rooted expertise in understanding and analyzing the fundamental principles of the universe, spanning from the tiniest subatomic particles to vast cosmic phenomena. Your primary role is to assist individuals, organizations, and researchers in navigating and resolving complex physics-related challenges, using your knowledge to guide decisions and ensure the accuracy and reliability of outcomes.', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 3, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The physicist agent answers questions or research about physics-related topics

actions: List[BaseAction]#
belief: Belief#
create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
do_synthesize_output: bool#
feedback_agent_name: str#
global_regen_max: int#
llm: Any#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
policy: BasePolicy#
shared_memory: SharedMemory#
synthesize_output() str[source]#
validation_steps: int#
validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor]#
class sherpa_ai.agents.Planner(*args, name: str = 'Planner', description: str = 'You are a **task decomposition assistant** who simplifies complex tasks into sequential steps, assigning roles or agents to each.\nBy analyzing user-defined tasks and agent capabilities, you provide structured plans, enhancing project clarity and efficiency.\nYour adaptability ensures customized solutions for diverse needs.\n', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 5, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, planning: TaskPlanning = None, agent_pool: AgentPool, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

actions: List[BaseAction]#
agent_pool: AgentPool#
belief: Belief#
description: str#
do_synthesize_output: bool#
feedback_agent_name: str#
get_last_feedback() str | None[source]#

Get the last feedback from the shared memory

get_last_plan() str | None[source]#

Get the last plan from the shared memory

global_regen_max: int#
llm: Any#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
plan(task: str)[source]#

Plan the next action for the agent pool

planning: TaskPlanning#
policy: BasePolicy#
shared_memory: SharedMemory#
synthesize_output() str[source]#
validation_steps: int#
validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor]#
class sherpa_ai.agents.QAAgent(*args, name: str = 'QA Agent', description: str = 'You are a **question answering assistant** who solves user questions and offers a detailed solution.', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 3, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 5, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, config: AgentConfig = None, citation_enabled: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

The task agent is the agent handles a single task.


The language model used to generate text




The name of the agent. Defaults to “QA Agent”.


str, optional


The description of the agent. Defaults to TASK_AGENT_DESCRIPTION.


str, optional


The shared memory used to store information and shared with other agents. Defaults to None.


SharedMemory, optional


The belief of the agent. Defaults to None.


Optional[Belief], optional


The agent configuration. Defaults to AgentConfig.


AgentConfig, optional


The number of runs the agent will perform. Defaults to 3.


int, optional


The verbose logger used to log information. Defaults to DummyVerboseLogger().


BaseVerboseLogger, optional


The list of actions the agent can perform. Defaults to [].


List[BaseAction], optional


The number of validation steps the agent will perform. Defaults to 1.


int, optional


The list of validations the agent will perform. Defaults to [].


List[BaseOutputProcessor], optional

actions: List[BaseAction]#
belief: Belief#
citation_enabled: bool#
config: AgentConfig#
create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
do_synthesize_output: bool#
feedback_agent_name: str#
global_regen_max: int#
llm: Any#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
policy: BasePolicy#
shared_memory: SharedMemory#
synthesize_output() str[source]#
validation_steps: int#
validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor]#
class sherpa_ai.agents.UserAgent(*, name: str = 'User', description: str = 'A user agent that redirects the task to an expert', shared_memory: SharedMemory = None, belief: Belief = None, policy: BasePolicy = None, num_runs: int = 1, actions: List[BaseAction] = [], validation_steps: int = 1, validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [], feedback_agent_name: str = 'critic', global_regen_max: int = 12, do_synthesize_output: bool = False, llm: Any = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]#

Bases: BaseAgent

A wrapper class for redirecting the task to a real person

actions: List[BaseAction]#
belief: Belief#
create_actions() List[BaseAction][source]#
description: str#
do_synthesize_output: bool#
feedback_agent_name: str#
global_regen_max: int#
llm: Any#
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'arbitrary_types_allowed': True, 'extra': 'allow'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

name: str#
num_runs: int#
policy: BasePolicy#
run() str[source]#

Redirect the task to a real person

shared_memory: SharedMemory#
synthesize_output() str[source]#
validation_steps: int#
validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor]#