Source code for sherpa_ai.agents.agent_pool

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from sherpa_ai.agents.base import BaseAgent

[docs] class AgentPool: def __init__(self): self.agents: Dict[str, BaseAgent] = {}
[docs] def get_agent(self, agent_name: str) -> Optional[BaseAgent]: """ Get agent by name """ return self.agents.get(agent_name, None)
def __contains__(self, agent_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if agent pool contains agent """ return agent_name in self.agents
[docs] def add_agent(self, agent: BaseAgent): """ Add agent to agent pool """ self.agents[] = agent
[docs] def add_agents(self, agents: List[BaseAgent]): """ Add agents to agent pool """ for agent in agents: self.add_agent(agent)
[docs] def get_agent_pool_description(self) -> str: """ Create a description (prompt) of the AgentPool for agent planning """ result = "" for name, agent in self.agents.items(): result += f"Agent: {name}.\n Description: {agent.description}\n\n" return result