Source code for sherpa_ai.agents.base

from __future__ import annotations

import traceback
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

from loguru import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict

from sherpa_ai.actions.base import BaseAction
from sherpa_ai.actions.exceptions import (SherpaActionExecutionException,
from sherpa_ai.config.task_result import TaskResult
from import EventType
from sherpa_ai.memory import Belief, SharedMemory
from sherpa_ai.output_parsers.base import BaseOutputProcessor
from sherpa_ai.policies.base import BasePolicy, PolicyOutput
from sherpa_ai.policies.exceptions import SherpaPolicyException

[docs] class BaseAgent(ABC, BaseModel): model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, extra="allow") name: str description: str shared_memory: SharedMemory = None belief: Belief = None policy: BasePolicy = None num_runs: int = 1 actions: List[BaseAction] = [] validation_steps: int = 1 validations: List[BaseOutputProcessor] = [] feedback_agent_name: str = "critic" global_regen_max: int = 12 do_synthesize_output: bool = False llm: Any = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_actions(self) -> List[BaseAction]: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def synthesize_output(self) -> str: pass
[docs] def send_event(self, event: str, args: dict): """ Send an event to the state machine in the belief Args: event (str): The event name args (dict): The arguments for the event """ if self.belief.state_machine is None: logger.error("State machine is not defined in the belief") return getattr(self.belief.state_machine, event)(**args)
[docs] async def async_send_event(self, event: str, args: dict): """ Send an event to the state machine in the belief Args: event (str): The event name args (dict): The arguments for the event """ if self.belief.state_machine is None: logger.error("State machine is not defined in the belief") return func = getattr(self.belief.state_machine, event) if func is None: logger.error(f"Event {event} is not defined in the state machine") return await func(**args)
[docs] def agent_preparation(self): logger.debug(f"```⏳{} is thinking...```") if self.shared_memory is not None: self.shared_memory.observe(self.belief) if len(self.belief.get_actions()) == 0: actions = self.actions if len(self.actions) > 0 else self.create_actions() self.belief.set_actions(actions)
[docs] def select_action(self) -> Optional[PolicyOutput]: try: result = self.policy.select_action(self.belief) return result except SherpaPolicyException as e: self.belief.update_internal( EventType.action_output, self.feedback_agent_name, f"Error in selecting action: {e}", ) logger.exception(e) return None except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return e
[docs] async def async_select_action(self) -> Optional[PolicyOutput]: try: result = await self.policy.async_select_action(self.belief) return result except SherpaPolicyException as e: self.belief.update_internal( EventType.action_output, self.feedback_agent_name, f"Error in selecting action: {e}", ) logger.exception(e) return None except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return e
[docs] def agent_finished(self, result: str) -> str: if len(self.validations) > 0: result = self.validate_output() elif self.do_synthesize_output: result = self.synthesize_output() logger.debug(f"```🤖{} wrote: {result}```") if self.shared_memory is not None: self.shared_memory.add(EventType.result,, result) return result
[docs] def run(self) -> TaskResult: self.agent_preparation() for _ in range(self.num_runs): if len(self.belief.get_actions()) == 0: break result = self.select_action() if result is None: # this means no action is selected continue elif isinstance(result, Exception): tb_exception = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(result) stack_trace = "".join(tb_exception.format()) task_result = TaskResult(content=stack_trace, status="failed") return task_result logger.debug(f"Action selected: {result}") logger.debug( f"🤖{} is executing```" "``` {}...```" ) action_output = self.act(result.action, result.args) if action_output is None: continue elif isinstance(action_output, SherpaMissingInformationException): question = action_output.message task_result = TaskResult(content=question, status="waiting") return task_result elif isinstance(action_output, Exception): tb_exception = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception( action_output ) stack_trace = "".join(tb_exception.format()) task_result = TaskResult(content=stack_trace, status="failed") return task_result action_output = self.belief.get(, action_output) logger.debug(f"```Action output: {action_output}```") action_output = self.agent_finished(action_output) task_result = TaskResult(content=action_output, status="success") return task_result
[docs] async def async_run(self) -> TaskResult: logger.debug(f"```⏳{} is thinking...```") if self.shared_memory is not None: self.shared_memory.observe(self.belief) actions = await self.belief.async_get_actions() if len(actions) == 0: actions = self.actions if len(self.actions) > 0 else self.create_actions() self.belief.set_actions(actions) for _ in range(self.num_runs): actions = await self.belief.async_get_actions() if len(actions) == 0: break result = await self.async_select_action() if result is None: # this means no action is selected continue elif isinstance(result, Exception): tb_exception = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(result) stack_trace = "".join(tb_exception.format()) task_result = TaskResult(content=stack_trace, status="failed") return task_result logger.debug(f"Action selected: {result}") logger.debug( f"🤖{} is executing```" "``` {}...```" ) action_output = await self.async_act(result.action, result.args) if action_output is None: continue elif isinstance(action_output, SherpaMissingInformationException): question = action_output.message task_result = TaskResult(content=question, status="waiting") return task_result elif isinstance(action_output, Exception): tb_exception = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception( action_output ) stack_trace = "".join(tb_exception.format()) task_result = TaskResult(content=stack_trace, status="failed") return task_result action_output = self.belief.get(, action_output) logger.debug(f"```Action output: {action_output}```") action_output = self.agent_finished(action_output) task_result = TaskResult(content=action_output, status="success") return task_result
# The validation_iterator function is responsible for iterating through each # instantiated validation in the 'self.validations' list. # It performs the necessary validation steps for each validation, updating the # belief system and synthesizing output if needed. # It keeps track of the global regeneration count, whether all validations have # passed, and if any validation has been escaped. # The function returns the updated global regeneration count, the status of all # validations, whether any validation has been escaped, and the synthesized output.
[docs] def validation_iterator( self, validations, global_regen_count, all_pass, validation_is_scaped, result, ): for i in range(len(validations)): validation = validations[i]"validation_running: {validation.__class__.__name__}")"validation_count: {validation.count}") # this checks if the validator has already exceeded the validation steps # limit. if validation.count < self.validation_steps: self.belief.update_internal(EventType.result,, result) validation_result = validation.process_output( text=result, belief=self.belief, llm=self.llm )"validation_result: {validation_result}") if not validation_result.is_valid: self.belief.update_internal(, self.feedback_agent_name,, ) result = self.synthesize_output() global_regen_count += 1 break # if all validations passed then set all_pass to True elif i == len(validations) - 1: result = validation_result.result all_pass = True else: result = validation_result.result # if validation is the last one and surpassed the validation steps limit # then finish the loop with all_pass and mention there is a scaped # validation. elif i == len(validations) - 1: validation_is_scaped = True all_pass = True else: # if the validation has already reached the validation steps limit then # continue to the next validation. validation_is_scaped = True return global_regen_count, all_pass, validation_is_scaped, result
[docs] def validate_output(self): """ Validate the synthesized output through a series of validation steps. This method iterates through each validation in the 'validations' list, and for each validation, it performs 'validation_steps' attempts to synthesize output using 'synthesize_output' method. If the output doesn't pass validation, feedback is incorporated into the belief system. If a validation fails after all attempts, the error messages from the last failed validation are appended to the final result. Returns: str: The synthesized output after validation. """ result = "" # create array of instance of validation so that we can keep track of how many # times regeneration happened. all_pass = False validation_is_scaped = False iteration_count = 0 result = self.synthesize_output() global_regen_count = 0 # reset the state of all the validation before starting the validation process. for validation in self.validations: validation.reset_state() validations = self.validations # this loop will run until max regeneration reached or all validations have # failed while self.global_regen_max > global_regen_count and not all_pass:"validations_size: {len(validations)}") iteration_count += 1"main_iteration: {iteration_count}")"regen_count: {global_regen_count}") ( global_regen_count, all_pass, validation_is_scaped, result, ) = self.validation_iterator( all_pass=all_pass, global_regen_count=global_regen_count, validation_is_scaped=validation_is_scaped, validations=validations, result=result, ) # if all didn't pass or validation reached max regeneration run the validation # one more time but no regeneration. if validation_is_scaped or self.global_regen_max >= global_regen_count: failed_validations = [] for validation in validations: validation_result = validation.process_output( text=result, belief=self.belief, llm=self.llm ) if not validation_result.is_valid: failed_validations.append(validation) else: result = validation_result.result result += "\n".join( failed_validation.get_failure_message() for failed_validation in failed_validations ) else: # check if validation is not passed after all the attempts if so return the # error message. result += "\n".join( ( inst_val.get_failure_message() if inst_val.count == self.validation_steps else "" ) for inst_val in validations ) self.belief.update_internal(EventType.result,, result) return result
[docs] def observe(self): return self.shared_memory.observe(self.belief)
[docs] def act(self, action: BaseAction, inputs: dict) -> Union[Optional[str], Exception]: try: action_output = action(**inputs) return action_output except SherpaActionExecutionException as e: self.belief.update_internal( EventType.action_output, self.feedback_agent_name, f"Error in executing action: {}. Error: {e}", ) logger.exception(e) return None except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return e
[docs] async def async_act(self, action: BaseAction, inputs: dict) -> Optional[str]: try: action_output = await action(**inputs) return action_output except SherpaActionExecutionException as e: self.belief.update_internal( EventType.action_output, self.feedback_agent_name, f"Error in executing action: {}. Error: {e}", ) logger.exception(e) return None except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return e