Source code for sherpa_ai.output_parsers.entity_validation

from enum import Enum
from typing import Tuple

from langchain_core.language_models import BaseLanguageModel 

from import EventType
from sherpa_ai.memory import Belief
from sherpa_ai.output_parsers.base import BaseOutputProcessor
from sherpa_ai.output_parsers.validation_result import ValidationResult
from sherpa_ai.utils import (

class TextSimilarityMethod(Enum):
    BASIC = 0
    METRICS = 1
    LLM = 2

[docs] class EntityValidation(BaseOutputProcessor): """ Process and validate the presence of entities in the generated text. This class inherits from the BaseOutputProcessor and provides a method to process the generated text and validate the presence of entities based on a specified source. Methods: - process_output(text: str, belief: Belief) -> ValidationResult: Process the generated text and validate the presence of entities. - get_failure_message() -> str: Returns a failure message to be displayed when the validation fails. """
[docs] def process_output( self, text: str, belief: Belief, llm: BaseLanguageModel = None, **kwargs ) -> ValidationResult: """ Verifies that entities within `text` exist in the `belief` source text. Args: text: The text to be processed belief: The belief object of the agent that generated the output iteration_count (int, optional): The iteration count for validation processing. 1. means basic text similarity. 2 means text similarity by metrics. 3 means text similarity by llm. Returns: ValidationResult: The result of the validation. If any entity in the text to be processed doesn't exist in the source text, validation is invalid and contains a feedback string. Otherwise, validation is valid. """ source = belief.get_histories_excluding_types( exclude_types=[, EventType.result, EventType.action], ) entity_exist_in_source, error_message = self.check_entities_match( text, source, self.similarity_picker(self.count), llm ) if entity_exist_in_source: return ValidationResult( is_valid=True, result=text, feedback="", ) else: self.count += 1 return ValidationResult( is_valid=False, result=text, feedback=error_message, )
[docs] def similarity_picker(self, value: int): """ Picks a text similarity state based on the provided iteration count value. Args: value (int): The iteration count value used to determine the text similarity state. - 0: Use BASIC text similarity. - 1: Use text similarity BY_METRICS. - Default: Use text similarity BY_LLM. Returns: TextSimilarityState: The selected text similarity state. """ switch_dict = {0: TextSimilarityMethod.BASIC, 1: TextSimilarityMethod.METRICS} return switch_dict.get(value, TextSimilarityMethod.LLM)
[docs] def get_failure_message(self) -> str: return "Some enitities from the source might not be mentioned."
[docs] def check_entities_match( self, result: str, source: str, stage: TextSimilarityMethod, llm: BaseLanguageModel, ): """ Check if entities extracted from a question are present in an answer. Args: - result (str): Answer text. - source (str): Question text. - stage (int): Stage of the check (0, 1, or 2). Returns: dict: Result of the check containing """ stage = stage.value source_entity = extract_entities(source) check_entity = extract_entities(result) if stage == 0: return text_similarity( check_entity=check_entity, source_entity=source_entity ) elif stage == 1: return text_similarity_by_metrics( check_entity=check_entity, source_entity=source_entity ) elif stage > 1 and llm is not None: return text_similarity_by_llm( llm=llm, source_entity=source_entity, result=result, source=source, ) return text_similarity_by_metrics( check_entity=check_entity, source_entity=source_entity )