from __future__ import annotations
import json
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests
import tiktoken
from loguru import logger
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseLanguageModel
def load_files(files: List[str]) -> List[Document]:
from langchain_community.document_loaders import (
documents = []
loader = None
for f in files:
(f"Loading file {f}")
if f.endswith(".pdf"):
loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader(f)
elif f.endswith(".md"):
loader = UnstructuredMarkdownLoader(f)
elif f.endswith(".gitkeep"):
raise NotImplementedError(f"File type {f} not supported")
if loader is not None:
return documents
def get_links_from_string(text):
# Define the regular expression pattern to find links inside angle brackets
pattern = r"<([^>]*)>"
# Use re.findall to extract all matches of the pattern in the input string
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Filter the matches to keep only the ones that start with "http://" or "https://"
# links = [match for match in matches if match.startswith(
# "http://") or match.startswith("https://")]
links = []
for match in matches:
if match.startswith("http://") or match.startswith("https://"):
links.append({"url": match, "base_url": get_base_url(match)})
return links
def get_base_url(link):
parsed_url = urlparse(link)
base_url = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}"
return base_url
def get_link_from_slack_client_conversation(data):
links = []
for item in data:
if "blocks" in item:
for block in item["blocks"]:
if "elements" in block:
for element in block["elements"]:
for newElement in element["elements"]:
if newElement.get("type") == "link":
newUrl = newElement["url"]
{"url": newUrl, "base_url": get_base_url(newUrl)}
return links
def scrape_with_url(url: str):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import bs4 python package. "
"This is needed in order to to use scrape_with_url. "
"Please install it with `pip install beautifulsoup4`."
response = requests.get(url, timeout=HTTP_GET_TIMEOUT)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
data = soup.get_text(strip=True)
status = response.status_code
if response.status_code == 200:
return {"data": data, "status": status}
return {"data": "", "status": status}
def rewrite_link_references(data: any, question: str):
result = question + "./n Reference:"
for count, chunk in enumerate(data):
reference = f"[{ count + 1}]"
link = chunk["link"]
link_with_angle_brackets = f"<{ link }>"
result = result.replace(link_with_angle_brackets, reference)
result = result + f""" {reference} link: "{link}" , link_data: {data}"""
return result
def count_string_tokens(string: str, model_name: str) -> int:
Returns the number of tokens in a text string.
string (str): The text string.
model_name (str): The name of the encoding to use. (e.g., "gpt-3.5-turbo")
int: The number of tokens in the text string.
encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model_name)
return len(encoding.encode(string))
def chunk_and_summarize(text_data: str, question: str, link: str, llm):
from langchain_text_splitters import TokenTextSplitter
instruction = (
"include any information that can be used to answer the "
f"question '{question}' the given literal text is a data "
f"from the link {link}. Do not directly answer the question itself"
text_splitter = TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=3000, chunk_overlap=0)
chunked_text = text_splitter.split_text(text_data)
chunk_summary = []
for text in chunked_text:
summarized = llm.predict(
f"""Write a concise summary of the following text
f'LITERAL TEXT: {text}
CONCISE SUMMARY: The text is best summarized as"""
return " ".join(chunk_summary)
def chunk_and_summarize_file(
text_data: str,
question: str,
file_name: str,
file_format: str,
title: str = None,
from langchain_text_splitters import TokenTextSplitter
title = f",title {title} " if title is not None else ""
instruction = (
f"include any information that can be used to answer the "
f"question '{question}' the given literal text is a data "
f"from the file named {file_name}"
f"{title} and file format {file_format}."
f"Do not directly answer the question itself"
text_splitter = TokenTextSplitter(chunk_size=3000, chunk_overlap=0)
chunked_text = text_splitter.split_text(text_data)
chunk_summary = []
for text in chunked_text:
summarized = llm.predict(
f"""Write a concise summary of the following text
f'LITERAL TEXT: {text}
CONCISE SUMMARY: The text is best summarized as"""
return " ".join(chunk_summary)
def question_with_file_reconstructor(
data: str, file_name: str, title: Union[str, None], file_format: str, question: str
result = question + "./n Reference:"
title = f"'title':'{title}'" if title is not None else ""
result = (
+ f"""[ {{file_name: '{file_name}' , {title} , file_format:'{file_format}
' , content_of_{file_name}:'{data}'}} ]"""
return result
# ---- add this for verbose output --- #
def show_commands_only(logs):
"""Modified version of log_formatter that only shows commands"""
log_strings = []
if not isinstance(logs, list): # for single log, turn it into a list
logs = [logs]
for log in logs:
reply = log["reply"]
if "command" in reply:
command = reply["command"]
if command["name"] != "finish":
formatted_reply = f"""Step: {log["Step"]} \n🛠️{
command['name']} \n❓query: {command['args']['query']}"""
else: # for final response
formatted_reply = """💡Thought process finished!"""
log_string = "\n".join(log_strings)
return log_string
def check_url(url):
Performs an HTTP GET request on `url` to test its validity.
Returns True if GET succeeds, False otherwise.
if urlparse(url).scheme in ["http", "https"]:
_ = requests.get(url, timeout=HTTP_GET_TIMEOUT)
return True
except Exception as e:"{e} - {url}")
return False
raise ValueError(f"URL must conform to HTTP(S) scheme: {url}")
def word_to_float(text):
Converts a textual representation of a number to a float.
- text (str): The input text containing a textual representation of a number.
dict: A dictionary with keys:
- 'success' (bool): True if the conversion was successful, False otherwise.
- 'data' (float): The converted float value if 'success' is True.
- 'message' (str): An error message if 'success' is False.
from word2number import w2n
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Could not import word2number python package. "
"This is needed in order to to use word_to_float. "
"Please install it with `pip install word2number`."
result = w2n.word_to_num(text)
return {"success": True, "data": result}
except ValueError as e:
# print(float(ent.text.replace(',' ,'')))
return {"success": False, "message": e}
def verify_numbers_against_source(
text_to_test: Optional[str], source_text: Optional[str]
"""Verifies that all numbers in text_to_test exist in source_text. Returns True on success. Returns False and a feedback string on failure.""" # noqa: E501
candidate_numbers = set(combined_number_extractor(text_to_test))
source_numbers = set(combined_number_extractor(source_text))
incorrect_candidates = candidate_numbers - source_numbers
if len(incorrect_candidates) > 0:
joined_numbers = ", ".join(incorrect_candidates)
message = "Don't use the numbers"
f"{joined_numbers} to answer the question. Instead, stick to the numbers mentioned in the context." # noqa: E501
return False, message
return True, None
def check_if_number_exist(result: str, source: str):
check_numbers = extract_numbers_from_text(result)
source_numbers = extract_numbers_from_text(source)
error_numbers = []
message = ""
for data in check_numbers:
if data not in source_numbers:
error_numbers = set(error_numbers)
if len(error_numbers) > 0:
for numbers in error_numbers:
message += numbers + ", "
message = "Don't use the numbers"
f"{message} to answer the question instead stick to the numbers mentioned in the context."
return {"number_exists": False, "messages": message}
return {"number_exists": True, "messages": message}
def string_comparison_with_jaccard_and_levenshtein(word1, word2, levenshtein_constant):
Calculate a combined similarity metric using Jaccard similarity and normalized Levenshtein distance.
- word1 (str): First input string.
- word2 (str): Second input string.
- levenshtein_constant (float): Weight for the Levenshtein distance in the combined metric.
float: Combined similarity metric.
""" # noqa: E501
from nltk.metrics import edit_distance, jaccard_distance
word1_set = set(word1)
word2_set = set(word2)
lev_distance = edit_distance(word1, word2)
jaccard_sim = 1 - jaccard_distance(word1_set, word2_set)
long_len = max(len(word1), len(word2))
# This will give a value between 0 and 1, where 0 represents identical words
# and 1 represents completely different words.
normalized_levenshtein = 1 - (lev_distance / long_len)
# The weight is determined by the levenshtein_constant variable,
# which should be a value between 0 and 1.
# A higher weight gives more importance to the Levenshtein distance,
# while a lower weight gives more importance to the Jaccard similarity.
combined_metric = (levenshtein_constant * normalized_levenshtein) + (
(1 - levenshtein_constant) * jaccard_sim
return combined_metric
def json_from_text(text: str):
Extract and parse JSON data from a text.
- text (str): Input text containing JSON data.
dict: Parsed JSON data.
if isinstance(text, str):
text = text.replace("\n", "")
json_pattern = r"\{.*\}"
json_match =, text)
if json_match:
json_data =
parsed_json = json.loads(json_data)
return parsed_json
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return {}
return {}
return {}
def text_similarity_by_llm(
llm: BaseLanguageModel,
source_entity: List[str],
Check if entities from a question are mentioned in some form inside the answer using a language model.
- source_entity (List[str]): List of entities from the question.
- source (str): Question text.
- result (str): Answer text.
- user_id (str): User ID (optional).
- team_id (str): Team ID (optional).
dict: Result of the check containing 'entity_exist' and 'messages'.
""" # noqa: E501
instruction = f"""
I have a question and an answer. I want you to confirm whether the entities from the question are all mentioned in some form within the answer.
Question = {source}
Entities inside the question = {source_entity}
Answer = {result}
""" # noqa: E501
prompt = (
+ """
only return {"entity_exist": true , "messages":"" } if all entities are mentioned inside the answer in
only return {"entity_exist": false , "messages": " Entity x hasn't been mentioned inside the answer"} if the entity is not mentioned properly .
""" # noqa: E501
llm_result = llm.predict(prompt)
checkup_json = json_from_text(llm_result)
return checkup_json.get("entity_exist", False), checkup_json.get("messages", "")
def text_similarity_by_metrics(check_entity: List[str], source_entity: List[str]):
Check entity similarity based on Jaccard and Levenshtein metrics.
- check_entity (List[str]): List of entities to check.
- source_entity (List[str]): List of reference entities.
dict: Result of the check containing 'entity_exist' and 'messages'.
check_entity_lower = [s.lower() for s in check_entity]
source_entity_lower = [s.lower() for s in source_entity]
threshold = 0.75
error_entity = []
message = ""
levenshtein_constant = 0.5
# for each entity in the source entity list, check if it is similar to any entity
# in the check entity list
# if similarity is below the threshold, add the entity to the error_entity list
# else return True means all entities are similar
for source_entity_val in source_entity_lower:
metrics_value = 0
for check_entity_val in check_entity_lower:
word1 = source_entity_val
word2 = check_entity_val
# Calculate the combined similarity metric using Jaccard similarity
# and normalized Levenshtein distance
combined_similarity = string_comparison_with_jaccard_and_levenshtein(
word1=word1, word2=word2, levenshtein_constant=levenshtein_constant
if metrics_value < combined_similarity:
metrics_value = combined_similarity
if metrics_value < threshold:
# If the metrics value is below the threshold, add the entity to
# the error_entity list
index_of_entity = source_entity_lower.index(source_entity_val)
if len(error_entity) > 0:
# If there are error entities, create a message to address
# them in the final answer
for entity in error_entity:
message += entity + ", "
message = f"remember to address these entities {message} in the final answer."
return False, message
return True, message
def text_similarity(check_entity: List[str], source_entity: List[str]):
Check if entities from a reference list are present in another list.
- check_entity ([str]): List of entities to check.
- source_entity ([str]): List of reference entities.
dict: Result of the check containing 'entity_exist' and 'messages'.
error_entity = []
message = ""
check_entity_lower = [s.lower() for s in check_entity]
source_entity_lower = [s.lower() for s in source_entity]
for entity in source_entity_lower:
if entity not in check_entity_lower:
index_of_entity = source_entity_lower.index(entity)
if len(error_entity) > 0:
for entity in error_entity:
message += entity + ", "
message = f"remember to address these entities {message} in final the answer."
return False, message
return True, message
def file_text_splitter(data, meta_data):
from langchain_text_splitters import CharacterTextSplitter
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=0)
texts = text_splitter.split_text(data)
metadatas = []
temp_texts = []
for doc in texts:
temp_texts.append(f"""'file_content': '{doc}' ,{meta_data}""")
texts = temp_texts
return {"texts": texts, "meta_datas": metadatas}
def get_links_from_text(text: str) -> List[str]:
url_regex = r"(https?://\S+|www\.\S+)"
urls = re.findall(url_regex, text)
result = [{"url": url, "base_url": get_base_url(url)} for url in urls]
return result